
Avoid Dowry and say yes to Love Marriage!!!!

Yes, this is a known fact that in most Love marriages bride's parents are mostly not pressurized to give more Dowry. As people who love each other just wants to be with each other at any cost they avoid the fuss called 'Dowry' to become a deal Breaker.  People who love each other believe in sharing  Although i don't promote Avoiding Dowry to be a reason for going for Love marriages but you have to admit that it's an additional benefit. In India, where people take Loans to give heavy dowry for their daughters to find them a good Husband, concept of Dowry free Shared expense Love Marriage is like a breath of fresh Air. Breaking this old ritual in the Name of Love is the most rebellious thing that can attract our Adrenaline Junkies too. So say yes to Love Marriage and No to fights over money , Just a happy wedding :)